Any mistake up to Rs. 10 lacs is fine with me!
“I’ve been watching you over the last couple of weeks – and you seem to be little scared. Is everything alright with you?” RG asked me.
“Sir, actually, I’m afraid of making a mistake while signing cheques for various payments. This can cost the company”, I replied, hesitantly.
“Oh, that’s the matter. Alright! How big a mistake you might make while signing payment’s cheques? Rs. 10 thousand or Rs. 1 lac or Rs. 10 lacs? What if I am ok with any mistake up to Rs. 10 lacs? Will this make you comfortable while discharging your responsibilities?” RG asked.
I felt so relieved, as if some heavy load has been lifted from my head.
Once, I realized that RG has full trust in me and he wanted me to succeed, there was no looking back.
RG, aka Rajiv Grover, is the Managing Director of HLS Asia Limited (a joint venture with Halliburton Logging services Inc, U.S.A, a fortune 500 company). I am not sure if RG would even recall this.
This incident goes back to the year 2002 (about 13 years ago). I had recently qualified as a Chartered Accountant in Jan’2002 and got a well-paid job at HLS Asia with no previous exposure to the corporate world. Within 4-5 months of my joining, my boss, the head of finance, resigned and I was given the charge of the Finance & Accounts function, with virtually with no prior experience. There were eight people working in Finance function with 5 to 15 years’ of experience. In addition, I was added as a signatory in all the bank accounts. This change in job profile happened so quickly that I had little time to reflect and realize its importance.
Now, when I look back, I feel so proud and lucky that I got a chance to lead the full-fledged finance function so early in my career. HLS Asia is the first and last company where I ever worked before starting Blue Consulting. I still relish the memories of my short tenure of about three years with HLS Asia. I don’t recall a single moment of tiredness or boredom in my work there.
I attribute a greater part of my success till date to RG because his ever-encouraging remarks helped me to realize my potential and cemented my self-confidence. I still enjoy the privilege of having RG as my mentor.
Encouraging words helps a lot while navigating the clouds of doubts.
I am sure you must have also experienced many such encouraging moments, which shaped your professional carrier. I look forward to your sharing of such encouraging episodes in your life. Sharing helps in understanding the perspective very quickly. I did my sharing and now, it’s your turn to share!
Chandan runs a company named Blue Consulting Pvt. Ltd. , with a strong team of 100+ employees, which specializes in providing some amazing services like Accounts Outsourcing, Tax compliances, Payroll, Accounts Payable, IFC Advisory, Internal Audit to MNC companies and professionally managed Indian companies.
Links of other posts by Chandan:
How I manufactured time for myself [Part 1]
How I manufactured time for myself [Part-2]
Will this bonus matter when I turn eighty?
Pooch daala to life jhinga lala!
Being grateful makes me feel awesome!
- How I manufactured time for myself? [Part-2] - September 5, 2016
- How I manufactured time for myself? [Part-1] - September 5, 2016
- 4 Pillars of my Happy Life! - September 5, 2016